Tips for Staying Safe in the Summer Sun, Avoiding Tanning & how chemical peel procedure use in sun tan
Do you enjoy being outside but despise getting a tan? We can't help but feel conflicted about the sun. Although many appreciate having a healthy glow, they'd rather avoid the risks of tanning. Those who despise tanning can always get rid of their tan or burn, but spending too much time in the sun is unsafe. Don't worry; we've got your back: here are our best-kept secrets for staying safe in the sun.
Here are some ways to avoid sunburn and protect your skin from additional damage: -
At its zenith, the sun - First, you should stay inside between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m., when the sun is at its highest. This is when the sun is at its peak intensity, and the effects will be most severe. However, the precise time may vary depending on where you are located. Avoid going outside during that time, no matter how pleasant the weather is.
Take the shaded path whenever possible. - Only spend a little bit of time outside. Protect skin from the sun by staying indoors or in a shaded area whenever possible. Find some shade if you can look at the beach, as the reflected sunlight from the ocean and sand will make you sunburn more quickly.
Always, always, always the cover-up. - Put on garments that will keep your skin safe from the sun. When out in the sun, keep your arms and legs covered. Wear appropriate clothing for the temperature and activity. Put on long-sleeved garments to protect yourself from the sun.
Sunscreen should be worn for safety. - Even if it's overcast, you should apply sunscreen liberally for 20 minutes before heading outside. When out in the sun for long periods, it's important to reapply sunscreen every three to four hours. You'd be safe using any high-quality sunscreen over 30 SPF.
Keep your lips covered if you plan on spending time in the sun. - Both smoking and sun exposure can cause your lips to darken. Lip balms with sun protection factors (SPF) should be used.
Put on your sunnies! - The skin around your eyes is among the most delicate on your entire body. Wearing sunglasses blocking UV rays is necessary if you plan to go outside. Choose a lens size that completely envelopes your under eyes for the best effect.
Select Sun-Safe Makeup - Use a moisturizer during the day to ensure your skin gets the hydration it needs. Use mineral-based chemicals instead of cream-based cosmetics. Perfumes might make your skin more sensitive to heat, so avoid applying them.
- Before beginning treatment, it is essential to inform your dermatologists of your medical history and current health conditions.
- Keep out of the sun for at least two weeks before treatment.
- You should abstain from taking retinoid products (such as tretinoin) for at least two weeks before treatment.
- You should begin taking any oral antibiotics at least 24 hours before your scheduled chemical peel.
- The procedure entails a full-body wash with an agent that strips away oil while keeping your eyes and hair safe. Depending on the type of chemical peel being performed on your face, you may also be given general anesthesia.
- A chemical solution is applied to the skin during a chemical peel, causing a heated sensation that might linger for a few minutes. Then a stinging feeling sets in, and a cool compress over the affected area may help. The chemical is removed with repeated washings.
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