Having perfectly formed eyebrows is the pinnacle of beauty, but keeping them that way may be a full-time job in and of itself. Thanks to laser hair removal, you now have the opportunity to have precisely formed eyebrows without the hassle of regular upkeep.
Precisely What Is Included in The Procedure For Shaping Eyebrows?
A laser emits light pulses to shape eyebrows that gently shave away excess hair in the area. The operation uses a full laser to permanently disable hair-growing follicles, leaving the desired eyebrow shape in place. Dark melanin in the hair is what the laser light is attracted to, not the skin. Because there are three distinct phases of hair growth, the invasive procedure requires multiple sessions. The hair must be in the active growth phase for the therapy to work.
How Does It Function, exactly?
For each patient, the procedure begins with a personalized skin marking, followed by a shave and shaping with a particular razor to remove extra hair before the laser injections are administered at a customized setting for their hair and skin. The melanin in the hair root is what the laser light is attracted to. Therefore, the patient's skin is spared any harm besides hair loss.
- Waxing, tweezing, and threading is discouraged before and after the treatment because they may compromise the final result.
- Only trained laser technicians, working under the guidance of a dermatologist, should execute the process.
What Can I Anticipate from The Consultation?
Our highly trained dermatologist will speak with you to learn about your reasons for seeking care, your current health status, and any other medications you may be on.
The shape and conclusion of your eyebrow laser hair removal will be thoroughly discussed with you once our dermatologist has examined your hair (density/ingrown hair) and thoroughly explained any risks or issues associated with the procedure.
Whether you have a unibrow, your eyebrows are prone to sagging, you think they're overly thick, or you suffer from frequent breakouts in that area, here's what you can do. You'll be asked to stay out of the sun, as it can also increase pigmentation in the treated area. To find a convenient time for your initial appointment, we will discuss all post-procedure instructions in depth with you.
Before beginning laser treatments, we highly recommend trying out our no-risk patch test. As the laser needs to see the hair follicle to target it, you will be warned to avoid waxing for four weeks before your first session. Shaving is fine. Our personnel will discuss everything from pre- and post-treatment safety measures throughout your eyebrow-shaping service.
AMI Skin & Hair Clinic is a one-stop specialty skin, hair & nail clinic which handles all types of dermatology, cosmetology and anti-ageing treatments at very low cost. If you are suffering from skin and hair loss problem and looking for the
Best Skin Specialist in Kandivali Mumbai, then come to the AMI Skin & Hair Clinic.
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