Skin tags these are the small piece of soft hanging skin that may have stock or peduncle, the skin tags can appear anywhere in the body but especially these appear where the skin rubs against other skin, and are generally seen on the crease or folds of the Skin, Skin tags are also called as cutaneous papilloma, cutaneous tag, fibroma molluscum, soft fibroma, and Templeton skin tags. Skin tags are a very common problem that generally occurs after midlife skin tags can be seen in both males and females independently.
Skin tags are benign and cutaneous tumors of the skin that consists of the core of fibers, duct cells, nerve cells, fat cells, and covering of epidermis.
Site of skin tags:-
Skin tags are very noticeable and can appear anywhere on the skin but the most common places where skin tags can be seen are-
- Armpits
- Eyelids
- Groin
- Upper chest
- Under breast
- Genitals
- Neck
- Thighs
These are not more prominent an hour are unnoticed unless they are repeatedly rubbed or scratched, for example by clothing jewelry, or while shaving. The surface of the skin tags can be smooth or irregular in appearance these are unusually raised on the surface of the skin and are flesh-colored or slightly brownish, they often look like a cluster of skin tissue and our darker and main resemble a raised mole, these are generally between 1 to 5 mm but can also grow as large as a cm.
Causes of skin tags:-
The causes of skin tags are not exactly known but it may happen when the cluster of blood vessels and collagen became trapped inside the thicker pieces of skin. These are more commonly found in skin creases and faults and can mainly also be caused by skin rubbing against the skin. There are some people who appear to inherit an increased susceptibility to skin tags. Skin tags are more often during pregnancy or in people who are diabetic or obese.
Risk Factors for skin tags:-
Skin tags are not usually seen in any specific condition but can appear to be more common in-
- People who are overweight or have obesity
- People with diabetes
- Mostly in the women during pregnancy because of the hormonal changes and high level of growth factors
- Humman papillomavirus
- People who are having high blood pressure or hypertension
- People who are having sex period in balance especially if there is any change in the estrogen and progesterone levels
Generally, skin tags are harmless but the removal is basically due to aesthetic or cosmetic reasons. The large skin tags can be a matter of concern and especially in the areas where they may rub against something like any clothing jewelry or skin may be removed due to irritation. Removal of large skin tags from the face or under the arms can make shaving easier for the person.
Surgery- there are following procedures that may be used -
- Cryosurgery- In this surgery the skin tag is frozen and is peeled off using a probe containing liquid nitrogen.
- Ligation- In this, the blood supply which is supplying the skin tag is interrupted and the skin tag falls off due to lack of blood.
- Excision- In this procedure the skin tag is the extra skin is cut off using a scalpel.
- Cauterization- In this procedure of the skin tag is burned off using electrolysis.
It is suggested that this procedure should only be done by a dermatologist or a skin specialist, as the skin tags that are on a sensitive area of the body if removed without medical guidance can have a negative impact or excessive loss of blood. Skin tags on eyelids especially those on the margin of islets should be removed by an ophthalmologist or eye specialist.
Over-the-counter solution- over the counter solutions I have generally available at the pharmacies this helps to freeze the skin tag which helps them to fall off after 7 to 10 days of the application. It is advised and recommended that professional medical advice should be taken before using this kind of treatment as using inappropriate solutions on medication can lead to side effects.
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