Precautions to be taken before and after Chemical peels

Skin is a very sensitive and tender organ that gets affected by the smallest of cuts or burns, leaving marks and spots on it after it heals. Many factors affect your skin’s texture and health. Some conditions that will affect the beauty of your skin are wrinkles and fine lines, acne scars, sun damage, melasma, hyperpigmentation, uneven skin tones or redness.

Chemical Peel, a treatment that can address the above-given problems and many more such conditions related to skin. The basic purpose of chemical peel is to remove damaged skin cells and bring out the newer and healthier skin beneath. This particular treatment is highly recommended to be administered by a competent authority like a skin specialist and with proper cautions and methodology for better and longer-lasting results. Dermatologists, plastic surgeons, trained skincare specialists and licensed healthcare providers are the best personnel to administer chemical peels. 

It is essential to follow pre and post-procedural instructions given by the person performing the chemical peel for safety and minimal side effects. Chemical peel precautions should be followed strictly for both long-term and short-term results. 

l Postpone your Chemical peel if you feel excessively dry, have been close to a heater or hot stove, picked or scrubbed your skin or overused your cosmetic products. It is also advisable not to use scented detergents, fabric softeners, shaving products, soaps and skincare products before you go for a chemical peel.

l Before or after a chemical peel it is advisable not to workout, sweat, avoid extreme weather or expose skin to the sun for at least a couple of days for the exfoliated skin to settle. If the skin is still irritated after the stipulated time period it is better not to work out for another few days till your skin gets back to its normal self. 

l Avoid hot wax, hairdryer, hot places, steam and sauna baths, swimming pools and hot tubs for a day or two. 
l Avoid shaving for at least 24 hours and for another four days do not get laser hair removal or chemical hair services done. 

l Loofahs, sponges, spa gloves, scrubs, hair removal gadgets or Clarisonic-type devices are to be avoided as the skin would be irritated for a couple of days, basically avoids friction. Do not even try to rub off dead skin cells or rub dry with a towel. Friction is an irritant avoid it.

l Wearing a brimmed hat and sunglasses would be highly advised when out in sun. Primarily it is important to avoid the sun. Exposure to heat should be avoided. Be in the shade

l Avoid Hard water

l Use only advised home care products like sunscreens. At least for 24 hours, it is better to be away from home care products.

l Snug boots or shoes, ribbed or tight socks, stockings, strappy shoes, leggings and clothing that stick tightly to your skin should be avoided. These tight skin clothing could irritate the skin. Moreover, friction darkens the part of the skin that is exposed to such tight clothing. Breathable cotton clothing is the best outfit for people who have just completed their Chemical peeling.

Prolonged stinging, irritation, deep scaling, unusual skin discoloration or redness could be a matter of concern. Contact your skin specialist immediately. At AMI all precautions are taken to minimize the side effects and risks that may occur after the application of the Chemical Peel and the client is aptly advised with the precautions to be taken before and after a peel.

AMI has been the most visited Skin and Hair Care Expert in and around Kandivali and its happy patients have spread around the word and made it the best Skin and Hair specialist in the whole of Mumbai.

Are you searching for a Skin doctor near me in Kandivali, your search is over as the best Skin specialist in Kandivali is AMI. AMI your most trusted Skin and Haircare specialist is also the best dermatologist in Mumbai. Are you searching for a skin doctor near me in Kandivali, your search is over as the best Skin specialist in Kandivali is AMI. AMI your most trusted Skin and Hair care specialist is also the best dermatologist in Mumbai.

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