Alopecia is a medical term for baldness. Baldness is lack of hair from the scalp but Alopecia is a term which means loss or lack of hair from the scalp or any part of the body.
Normally 50-100 hairs fall in a day without us being able to notice. But when the number increases drastically and we see the change in head or scalp it’s a matter of concern.
Alopecia was considered a disease which can’t be cured easily but nor anymore.
Modern Medicine is now at a stage where it is not a disease anymore.
What are the causes of Alopecia ?
The cause of Alopecia :-
1. Hereditary :- Family History is always important in any case so as in Hair loss.
2. Hormonal Changes in females or males may affect the condition of hair on the scalp.
3. Any Infection on scalp like
Tinea Capitis also known as Herpes Tonsurans, Commonly known as Scalp ringworm. There are other names also for this – ringworm of hair and scalp.
This affects the scalp at the level where there is a chance of complete baldness.
Bacterial Follicular – It directly affects the follicular unit in the scalp which leads to destruction of hair in the scalp.
Piedra – It’s a Fungal infection of the hair shaft. It affects Asymptomatic superficially. It’s divided into 2 types – White Piedra and Black Piedra.
Demodex Follicular – Worm attack on the scalp which leads to permanent baldness in life.
Seborrheic Dermatitis – It’s a common skin infection which mostly attacks scalp. Signs are Scaly patches, stubborn dandruff and red skin.
4. Radiation due to therapy.
5. Stress also contributes to the loss of hair.
What are the known risk factors of Alopecia ?
- Age
- Poor nutrition
- Medical condition like diabetes, lupus
- Stress
- Family history
- Weight loss
- Main sign is loss of hair – slowly hair fall is seen
- Gradual thinning of hair – in male from forehead , in female the boarding of hair
- Circular or patchy hair loss region is seen – in this skin sometimes become itchy before the loss
- Loosening of hair – it can be sudden or gradually with a physical or emotional stress or shock
- Sudden loss of hair – it is not very common but happens also in cases of a high loss in life.
- Full body hair loss – in this not only scalp but other parts of the body which have hair starts to lose hair in a short time.
- Patches of scaling that spread over the whole scalp – it’s a sign of ringworm infection in the scalp.
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